Teachers’ Junction
Is the Teachers Networking Centre in Tanzania with the main objective to simplify link between employer and employee.
To get a right teacher at aright time:
School now will not worry about teachers once after
accepting our bid,Teachers of different norm will be
available all the time.
Availability of competitive Teachers:
Teachers Junction we have huge Database that meet the
scenario of the school,School will provide all
required conditional for desirable teacher.
Teachers Junction on the other side will extract the list of available teacher(s) from available Database or search the personal that meets the same scenario.
Trust of Teachers:
The trustworthy of employee is the key point to many
employers in the country.Because of this reason,
teachers junction will handle all the valid information
by throughout looking all the documents of the teacher before
and after registration.
Chance to change Teacher during Probation Period.
There will be two chances that school will opt to
substitute for the Teacher who seems not satisfied with during probation period.
After accomplishment of said probation period and satisfactory between Teacher and School, Teachers’ Junction will organize contract between Teacher and School at their own defrayal.
Teacher under Negotiable Salary.
The school will benefit to get teacher under negotiable
salary which also seem to be barrier on how to get a
good Teacher.
This will cut off the problem that two sides fail to make a deal due to salary unevenness.
School will ask for Teacher of a certain Salary Range, while Teacher has already determined his/her value.
Working out of fear:
Most of schools come to hard time to hold a teacher no
matter how he/she is, just because they fear on how to
get the best one at time.
Under Teachers Junction school should not fear if they will loose a professional who misbehave at any time because huge database of professional’s teachers is there for quick replacement.
Distance to working place:
Some of schools don’t have shelter facilities to their staffs; this may results some teachers to come out of school time table under rationale of transport.
Teachers Junction will help the School to extract the Teachers according to their Geographical Location.
Is the Teachers Networking Centre in Tanzania with the main objective to simplify link between employer and employee.
We aim in helping schools to find teachers with their rank who can help schools to achieve their missions and visions with the competitive knowledge and strategies.
Teachers Junction based on finding Teachers from the Schools, Colleges, Universities and Streets, these teachers may be job seekers or job dissatisfied.
With Teachers’ Junction Teachers are Registered, Interviewed, Re-trained, Document Satisfied and Security Checked.
Then Teachers will be attention for post ,School will be given exactly what they requested.
Teachers Junction based on finding Teachers from the Schools, Colleges, Universities and Streets, these teachers may be job seekers or job dissatisfied.
With Teachers’ Junction Teachers are Registered, Interviewed, Re-trained, Document Satisfied and Security Checked.
Then Teachers will be attention for post ,School will be given exactly what they requested.
To get a right teacher at aright time:
School now will not worry about teachers once after
accepting our bid,Teachers of different norm will be
available all the time.
Availability of competitive Teachers:
Teachers Junction we have huge Database that meet the
scenario of the school,School will provide all
required conditional for desirable teacher.
Teachers Junction on the other side will extract the list of available teacher(s) from available Database or search the personal that meets the same scenario.
Trust of Teachers:
The trustworthy of employee is the key point to many
employers in the country.Because of this reason,
teachers junction will handle all the valid information
by throughout looking all the documents of the teacher before
and after registration.
Chance to change Teacher during Probation Period.
There will be two chances that school will opt to
substitute for the Teacher who seems not satisfied with during probation period.
After accomplishment of said probation period and satisfactory between Teacher and School, Teachers’ Junction will organize contract between Teacher and School at their own defrayal.
Teacher under Negotiable Salary.
The school will benefit to get teacher under negotiable
salary which also seem to be barrier on how to get a
good Teacher.
This will cut off the problem that two sides fail to make a deal due to salary unevenness.
School will ask for Teacher of a certain Salary Range, while Teacher has already determined his/her value.
Working out of fear:
Most of schools come to hard time to hold a teacher no
matter how he/she is, just because they fear on how to
get the best one at time.
Under Teachers Junction school should not fear if they will loose a professional who misbehave at any time because huge database of professional’s teachers is there for quick replacement.
Distance to working place:
Some of schools don’t have shelter facilities to their staffs; this may results some teachers to come out of school time table under rationale of transport.
Teachers Junction will help the School to extract the Teachers according to their Geographical Location.
Teachers' Junction the strength of Education.
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