Teachers' Junction Teachers' Junction Author
Author: Teachers' Junction
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HITAJIO LA HARAKA LA WALIMU. TEACHERS’ JUNCTION (Teachers Networking Centre in Tanzania). 1.        Social Studies Teachers. (History,...
TEACHERS’ JUNCTION (Teachers Networking Centre in Tanzania).
1.       Social Studies Teachers. (History,Geography and Civics)
·         Tanzanian.
·         Teachers by professional or not
·         Experience at least a year
·         Salary not less than 600,000/=
·         Location Tegeta Dar es salaam
·         Lunch and Breakfast
·         Certificate, Diploma or Degree
·         Willing to teach Primary level
Date: before 11st/November 2014

2.       Kiswahili Teachers.
·         Tanzanian.
·         Teachers by professional or not
·         Experience at least a year
·         Salary not less than 600,000/=
·         Certificate, Diploma or Degree
·         Location Tegeta and ,Mbezi Kimara Dar es salaam
·         Certificate, Diploma or Degree
·         Lunch and Breakfast
·         Willing to teach Primary level
Date: before 11st/November 2014

3.       Physics Teachers
·         Tanzanian
·         Experience at least 6moths
·         Teacher by professional or not
·         Salary not less than 640,0000/=
·         Lunch and Breakfast
·         Location Mbagala Dar es salaam
·         Willing to Teach Ordinary level
·         Diploma or Degree
Date : best  before 12nd/Nov/2014

Teachers’ Junction Head office:
Magomeni Mapipa Dar es salaam
Near by Mapipa Police post
Phone: +255753-810857

Morogoro Branch:
+255783-810857 (soon)

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/teachers’junction
Blog: www.teacherjunction.blogspot.com
Email: teachersjunction@hotmail.com

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(It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle)
“Teachers’ junction JOB IN REALITY”

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