Teachers' Junction Teachers' Junction Author
Author: Teachers' Junction
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Needs of Bible Knowledge, Physics, Chinese, Mathematics, Civics and English Teachers. Teachers’ Junction (Teachers Networking Centre) ...
Needs of Bible Knowledge, Physics, Chinese, Mathematics, Civics and English Teachers.

Teachers’ Junction (Teachers Networking Centre) in Tanzania.

Now we are in needs of the following Teachers:-

·         Bible Knowledge and Chenese.

                                i.            Location: Kongowe mbagala, Bagamoyo and Kibaha.
                              ii.            Chances:  three only
                            iii.            Salary: Bagamoyo 600,000/=, Mbagala 580,000/= Kibaha 550,000/=
                             iv.            Offers: Bagamoyo: House, Mbagala no House, Kibaha House. (lunch & Breakfast )
                               v.            Qualification: Diploma, Degree or Experienced at least six months
                             vi.            Validity: from December 21, 2014 to December 25,2014.

·         Physics and Mathematics:
                                i.            Location: Bagamoyo, Kongowe Mbagala and Mbagala Rangi Tatu
                              ii.            Salary: not less than 600,000/=Tsh
                            iii.            Offers: lunch and Breakfast (house at Bagamoyo)
                             iv.            Qualification: Diploma or Degree
                               v.            Validity: December 21, 2014 to December 27,2014.

·         Civics, English and Social Study.
                            i.            Location: Kongowe Mbagala, Mbweni (Tegeta).
                          ii.            Salary : not less than 550,000/=
                        iii.            Offers: lunch and Breakfast
                         iv.            Qualification: Civics and English Diploma or Degree (Social Certificate or Diploma)
                           v.            Validity: December 21, 2014 to December 27,2014.
                         vi.            Social Study for Primary level (English Medium)
  For more information
Teachers’ Junction Head office:

Magomeni Mapipa Dar es salaam nearby Mapipa Police post
Phone: +255753-810857

Morogoro Branch:
+255783-810857 (soon January  2015)
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/teachers’junction
Blog: www.teacherjunction.blogspot.com
Email: teachersjunction@hotmail.com
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(Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throats)
~Martin H. Fischer.
“Teachers’ junction JOB IN REALITY

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